Be able to add custom items to purchase orders
David Stevens
This would be fantastic. We send POs to ourselves for warehousing, and we also send POs for custom work from manufacturers.
Keith Brookes
would be very very helpful. or you can just find a way to enter every part from every distributor you shpw, whichever is easier
Nick Graci
This would be very helpful!
John Estep
Yes! And also be able to add partial quantities of those custom items to POs. We send POs to ourselves so our accounting and warehouse departments can pull the stock from our warehouse and we sometimes need partial quantities of things.
This is critical. Those of us that do any custom ordering (shades, lighting)
Taylor Burton
YES! Please make this a feature!
Taylor Stokes
This is a great feature that is needed. Right now, custom items are easily missed to order because there is no way to pull them into a purchase order.
Jason Nelms
Yes greatly needed. We order from amazon, quill and even Ebay and would be great to track all purchase orders through portal.
Kirk Chisholm
Merged in a post:
Custom Items Purchase Order
Nora Morton
We need this! We still have to make the order. You have an amazing catalog but not everything.
Nora Morton
This is greatly needed. We still have to order those.
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