Be able to create true packages
Amanda Studdard
Showing just the parent item and the total for the package but not showing all of the nested items that go with it. The customer doesn't want to see all of the pieces that go into a single gang data and coax wall plate. I could just create a custom item with one price and a better picture of a completed wall plate but then it wouldn't order the parts needed or create the pick list.
Kirk Chisholm
Kirk Chisholm
under review
Phil Speck
This feature would help me out a lot. My customers done want to see all of the fluff that goes into a quote they just want to see the main items. Is this one still planned, its been 2 years.
Steve Butterfield
I second having the ability to hide the combined items so it totals but doesn't give the customer a full list of what we are putting in. Some customers are trustworthy, some will take your list of parts you designed a system for and get it themselves.
Kirk Chisholm
We're starting to design this feature. Can you reply to this with a couple examples of common packages you'd like to create?
Also, do you always want to charge a single price for packages or would you like to show the itemized pricing in some cases?
Bradd Konert
Kirk Chisholm: packages should be as custom as needed and yes should have option to hide pricing of individual items or show them. Packages would be everything from a TV hang package that includes labor, mount, and electrical to security package that includes panel, programming, communicator, and security contacts. The packages should allow for quantities of items to be set uniquely for each proposal (IE security contacts that fluctuate in quantities per job). Most ideal would be a way to hide quantities for certain items in the package (or all items if needed). This would be ideal to count quantities but not show that to customer.
Hope that helps!
Kirk Chisholm
Bradd Konert: Helps for sure. Appreciate the time to reply!
Mark Ackerman
Kirk Chisholm: I can send you the proposal with the packages that we created that we are copying to other proposals. The ones we created are sub-items under a parent which the parent only shows until you expand to view the sub items.
Kirk Chisholm
Mark Ackerman: go for it.
Adam Zell
Bradd Konert: most of what I was going to say
Adam Zell
Kirk Chisholm: We frequently offer a pre-wire option breakdown for everyone Room in the house.
Option 1: run wire and install rough-in brackets
Option 2: run wire and leave the wire coiled in the ceiling with X-Spot
Option 3: “I do not want speakers in this room. Please do not run wire”
All three of these options have client notes to explain the options. This system has worked out very well for us and allowed us to sell more speakers but it is super tedious to setup.
Is there a way to copy an ENTIRE area to multiple areas and retain all client notes and options?
Justin Morabito
Kirk Chisholm: In our business we offer a "Security Package" that includes a base system, a couple of cameras, a doorbell, etc. I would like the ability to choose the "Package" somewhere and have it populate the items separately in an area. The work around that I have created is I have a separate proposal that I have these items in called Security MASTER and I clone that to new proposals that I do. Let me know what other information I can offer. Thanks.
Kirk Chisholm
Justin Morabito: Got it, thanks!
Kirk Chisholm
Adam Zell: There's not a way to retain client notes as those notes were intended to apply to individual proposals only, as they were designed to speak to individual clients. We're re-evaluating this though.
Hermin Sanchez
Kirk Chisholm: Most of what we are looking for has been mentioned by others here.
Dan Liberman
Kirk Chisholm: Amanda has the right idea. But packages are usually a fixed thing. An LG 65" OLED TV, installation, mount... We would need one of these for every model of every TV.
What I would like to see is the rolled up price of a line item. In other words, the summary price of an item and all its nested items. This is more flexible that fixed packages although both have value. This could even be applied to major items within packages. The customer would see what we call an "installed price".
Mind you, I would love to see packages so I don't have to copy over the basics of "Network" or "infrastructure" every time we add that to a proposal.
But the rolled up pricing is what I want to present to my client. I want them to see how much each item is INSTALLED (turnkey value). I don't have to give them detail, and they know exactly how much each item is costing them. This is especially useful on low margin items like TVs.
Happy to talk this over with you again if you want.
Kirk Chisholm
Dan Liberman: Got it, thanks.
Dan Liberman
Kirk Chisholm: Just Updated to compare with packages. Addresses both (I value both)
Mark Ackerman
Kirk Chisholm: you asked about pricing... I think that integration with other apps is most important. If it doesn't discount each item then how does it transfer to QB for example?
Kirk Chisholm
Kirk Chisholm
Hi Dan Trimboli we've got packages on our roadmap officially.
Kevin Hennessy
Kirk Chisholm:'s November. :)
Kirk Chisholm
Kevin Hennessy: Yes, Kevin, while planning this out we decided we needed to re-work the catalog section to allow for custom items (as well as labor) to be organized alongside packages. So it turned into a larger project with some prerequisites. We’re still planning on it, it’s just going to take longer.
Kevin Hennessy
Kirk Chisholm:
Kirk Chisholm
Kevin Hennessy: Lol. I see you voted for better organizing/managing custom items as well, so this will be 'two-birds' for you.
Kevin Hennessy
Kirk Chisholm: Nooice.
Shane O' Sullivan
Kirk Chisholm Any update on this request? This would be a huge help