Cloning of Custom items
Joel Ranua
We are building custom items with our logo and the cost/sell set to $0.00 each, we are then adding the items from catalog, or custom area and adding in labor. we combine the prices. it looks and works well in the proposals. We simply would like to clone any of these package items to quickly build out similar packages. can this be a new feature item please.
Coleman Anderson
Awesome your team is honestly amazing with my direct customer input to the internal team, then getting feedback like this! 4th Systems will be happily using for many years to come! We are currently needing this feature as well being we are a company just recently re-integrating our system of operation processes now through and in doing so we have many custom items to catalog, for materials, flat rate items, and labor items. Can't thank you guys enough for this feature addition.
Kirk Chisholm
We just completed this! Go the product detail page for a custom item and in the three-dot menu you can now clone. You can do the same for labor items too.
Coleman Anderson
Kirk Chisholm: Thank you greatly Kirk!