Discontinued items...
Kevin Keenan
We've been with Portal for a while now and some of our proposals and such are showing their age. It's becoming more common that I send an order out and get a response back that says, "This item is discontinued." It would be nice to mark items as discontinued and even have the catalog suggest a replacement. (Ideally the suggestion is from the manufacturer and not an advertisement for a competitor.)
Glen Buxton
+1 for this, a visual indicator on a proposal to let you know if an item has been discontinued would be great. We should still be able to change the status to accepted etc for the cases where you may have that item in stock.
Kirk Chisholm
What's the longest a proposal of yours may take from the time it's submitted to the time it's accepted?
Kevin Keenan
Kirk Chisholm: sometime it could be 6-9 months on the larger projects. But the point is when I copy a proposal from a year or two ago, some of the items are discontinued. The most notorious of these items are TVs. Going further still, even if the TV is still in production by the time construction on a new home is finished, it is almost always a different price than when I did the initial proposal. There is an update on the proposal system to update profit due to change in cost, but not retail price.
Kirk Chisholm
Kevin Keenan: I see! Okay, yes this is much more clear now. Thanks.