Simple Stats for Proposals
Clyde Dicks
In addition to most things mentioned by other people, I'd love to see robust reporting that let's me pull a list of proposals that contain a certain product (such as Sonos) or when labor exceeds a certain $ amount, plus countless other search criteria.
Peter Friesen
Please also include Sales Tax Liabilities with this Basic Reporting;
Coleman Anderson
In the filter feature of the payment section of Portal can we get a new filter to filter by month marked paid date because without this it makes using this data obnoxious for our accounting teams. Simple add please and thank you.
Clare Caroleo
I need to be able to do what I would call a crystal canned report so I can making sorting easier when trying to capture data.
Brandon Donovan
Interested in being able to pull our own data for the purposes of improving our sales operations. Being able to filter on multiple datapoints would provide super helpful information... just as an example: what's our average time to close on commercial project proposals above and below $5k? Knowing this would inform our follow-up activities, AND give us a benchmark that we can strive to improve on.
Jason Goodland
It would be amazing to be able to look up the name of an item within proposals to see how many proposals had that item. I don't expect to see how many of that item is sold, I know that the coding on searching that and totaling items would be tough. I simply would like to be able to search and see which proposals have that specific string of text for that item. Basically a deeper indexing search function.
Magic AV LLC
Need reports of sales tax by date range as well please.
Justin Shulman
Magic AV LLC: This. I don't get it do people using payment not pay sales tax or am i missing something on how to get reporting via quickbooks
Kirk Chisholm
Merged in a post:
Sales Reports
Brad Gellman
Would be great for a sales person to be able to run basic monthly, quarterly, annual sales reports for commission tracking purposes.
Tripp Dailey
This would be a fantastic option. The ability to search which proposals were accepted, when they were accepted, who the sales rep was, etc.
Kate Knott
Would like the ability to run a report for a product and see which projects it is currently in (proposal, won or completed status). This would be beneficial when something is discontinued so I could run a report on which projects it is in so that I can immediately notify my designers and project managers that it needs to be changed
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