Tally total labor hours at bottom of proposal
under review
Kirk Chisholm
under review
Johann Stroh
We would then also be able to delete or adjust an entire labor item for the whole proposal. This is how it currently works in D-Tools Cloud
Casey Miller
I love the ability to itemize labor per area or even a part of an area (like labor for just the TV). But for years, I have thought about jobs by how long will the whole thing take. Being able to see total hours (especially by types of labor, because we break them out for AV, Security, rough in, etc) would be great, so I can easily see how many man hours I have included. The CSV file is not easy to look through and sort just labor.
Johnny Davy
Total labor hours listed for for the dealer would be fantastic. It would be even better if we also had a total labor hours listed under each Area on the proposal.
Josiah Thorngate
Johnny Davy Yeah this is what I'm looking for...just the total quantity of labor items at the bottom of the area, alongside the area total.
Ryan Winkelhake
And it would be great to have a break out of different labor types with the hours for each too
Kevin Hennessy
Ryan Winkelhake This!